We are tutoring pupils who have not travelled for the summer, in July and August, before we begin the new season in September. Attendance in the summer is flexible and will give your child a feel of what to expect, ahead.
Contact is easy via the contact form.You will get a call back!
1. Good learning habits at school.
2. A structured, balanced, home-learning environment.
3. Focus from parent and child.
4. Time to read and people to discuss learning with.
5. Great tutoring.
Emotional parents may run from tutor to tutor as they are told " This tutor is cheap..."; "This tutor knows all the books!"; " This tutor had more children pass the tests this year..."; " This tuition is very intense !"
If you are looking for your child to have that additional advantage and you already have points 1 to 4 above in place, congratulations - great tuition is a few clicks away. Fill in the contact form and see you, soon.