If your question is not answered here, contact the tutor! See the contact form on the home page.
Why do you assess my child before a place is assigned?
In order to best plan for your
child’s weaker areas. With a starting profile , it will be easier for everyone
to track the child’s progress.
What are the qualifications of the tutor?
Mrs E is a qualified UK teacher. She has been teaching and tutoring for 18 years.
What are the fees?
For 2016, the fees for an hour are GBP 20 per pupil.
When and how do I pay?
Cash or electronic payments are made before each class. Envelopes can be provided at the centre. Some parents pay a month ahead, by choice. Cheques are not accepted, thank you.
Does tuition continue in the school holidays?
Spring and summer tuition is provided for children who are months away from their entrance tests.
Where is the centre?
At East Croydon, opposite the station. Free parking is available.
What equipment will my child need? What will I need to buy or get?
Years 3 and 4:
English skills and comprehension workbooks by assessed ability .
English skills and comprehension workbooks by assessed ability .
A dictionary & thesaurus.
Two, A4 lined exercise books (your child will need to number
each page in both books).
A pencil case with a ruler, rubber, pencils, a highlighter and two or three colours
of pens.
A vocabulary book (in the style of address books, with alphabetically marked sections).
A vocabulary book (in the style of address books, with alphabetically marked sections).
Year 5 as above , plus test packs and recommended books.
Some children will need additional help with grammar. This will be pointed out and resources made available to help close that gap.
From a library or elsewhere- a recommended classic reading book every month.
Some children will need additional help with grammar. This will be pointed out and resources made available to help close that gap.
From a library or elsewhere- a recommended classic reading book every month.
What if my child is ill and misses a session?
The centre will not be able to replace your child with
another for an unplanned session, and centre overheads will remain the same (e.g premises hire and staff costs); however any work covered and important points to note will be communicated if you request. We all want the best for your child.
What does the term tutor-proof 11 plus mean?
The 11 plus exam was recently changed to give more children a
chance to succeed in the selective tests. The style of the exams is harder to
cram, and is moving away from past question papers. Our methods at the centre are in line with the
new expectations and more. Your child should secure excellent primary school comprehension, writing and grammar skills with an emphasis on a robust vocabulary.
Do you offer 1:1 tuition?
Not to new families. Please give group tuition a try. Even for one month. You will likely be convinced of the benefits.
Will my child be given homework?
Yes, your child is expected to complete all homework
diligently, and complete it neatly. Selective schools in the county will test children who have maximised their primary school learning opportunities. Homework consolidates and extends learning. Be aware that
your child may be asked to rewrite their homework during tuition time if it is
not well presented. In some school
entrance tests, answers have been marked wrong due to illegible writing.
Your child may be very able, but if he gives
you a hard time to either do his homework or write at his neatest at home, he
will not make as much progress as other children.
Provisional places are booking already. If for example, your child has come to the end of Year 4, is good at maths and does not have a strong classical literature background, do not delay. Book a place as soon as you can.
Your child is in Year 3? Starting now means no 11 Plus panic a the end of Year 4.
I want my child to be tutored because he does not listen to us at home.
Your child may be very able, but if he gives
you a hard time to either do his homework or write at his neatest at home, he
will not make as much progress as other children.
Could my child come more than once a
A Year 5 child should have extra lessons from April, depending on readiness for selective schools tests in September/October.
Provisional places are booking already. If for example, your child has come to the end of Year 4, is good at maths and does not have a strong classical literature background, do not delay. Book a place as soon as you can.
Your child is in Year 3? Starting now means no 11 Plus panic a the end of Year 4.
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